Friday, July 27, 2018
Asus K53E Drivers Download
Asus K53E Drivers Download
I play on Server 3 of Travian UAE, and the domain name points at 19 different hosts, and most are slow for me.
The lines below show how to get the server with the lowest average ping time. This assumes the servers will reply to ping requests (only one doesnt), and that youre not blocking ping requests from your end.
for i in $(host | awk {print $4}); do echo -n "$i:" >> trav.txt
&& ping -qc5 $i | tail -n1 | cut -d/ -f5 >> trav.txt; done
sort -t: -k2 trav.txt | head -n1
rm trav.txt
Put the result in /etc/hosts and youre all set! This should save you time when querying for DNS, and wouldnt depend on your luck at which server you get (even though Travian employ round robin)
* This is not to be used with any website, since most have MX records (mail server records) and the script above doesnt work in such cases.
* You can remove the backslashes above and write the whole thing in one line. I put on multiple lines to make it readable.
The script is no longer useful since they moved to one server now. Seems like they distribute to multiples during registration period.