Thursday, August 30, 2018

Windows XP dễ bị tổn thương nhất trước WannaCry

Windows XP dễ bị tổn thương nhất trước WannaCry

Kh�ng c�n ???c Microsoft c?p nh?t c�c b?n v� b?o m?t t? l�u, Windows XP l� h? ?i?u h�nh d? b? virus t?n c�ng nh?t, trong ?� c� m� ??c t?ng ti?n WannaCry ?ang "l�m m?a l�m gi�".

Windows XP l� m?t trong nh?ng h? ?i?u h�nh th�nh c�ng nh?t c?a Microsoft, ra m?t n?m 2001 v� "khai t?" n?m 2014. M?c d� ?� ng?ng h? tr? t? l�u, nh?ng n?n t?ng n�y v?n c�n kh� nhi?u ng??i s? d?ng, k? c? v?i c�c h? th?ng m�y ATM c?a ng�n h�ng. Theo s? li?u c?a StatCounter, s? l??ng ng??i d�ng Windows XP chi?m 5,26%, c�n Net Applications th?m ch� c�n l?n h?n v?i 7%.

?nh h??ng tr?c ti?p ??n Windows, Windows XP kh�ng ph?i l� ngo?i l?. ??i v?i c�c phi�n b?n m?i h?n v?n ???c h? tr? b?n v� b?o m?t, vi?c ch?ng ch?i v?i WannaCry c� ph?n ch? ??ng h?n. Nh?ng ??i v?i n?n t?ng 16 n?m tu?i n�y, m?i ch? c� m?t b?n v� ???c Microsoft b? sung mu?n m�ng v� nguy c? d? li?u b? "b?t c�c t?ng ti?n" v?n hi?n h?u.

??u ti�n, c?n bi?t l� do v� sao ng??i d�ng v?n c�n s? d?ng Windows XP. Peter Tsai, chuy�n gia ph�n t�ch c?a Spiceworks, cho r?ng m?i th? b?t ngu?n t? s? ph? bi?n c?a h? ?i?u h�nh n�y. Ng??i d�ng ?� quen thu?c v?i thao t�c tr�n ?�, kh�ng mu?n thay ??i th�i quen c?a m�nh. C?ng th�m th?t b?i c?a Windows Vista, Windows XP ti?p t?c t?n t?i th�m m?t th?i gian.

??i v?i doanh nghi?p v� ng??i d�ng chuy�n nghi?p, Windows XP h? tr? r?t l?n ??i v?i h?. T??ng th�ch v?i c?u h�nh y?u, ch?y ???c nh?ng ph?n m?m chuy�n d?ng, ti?t ki?m chi ph� n�ng c?p... l� nh?ng l� do khi?n nh?ng ng??i d�ng n�y kh�ng m?n m� v?i vi?c "l�n ??i" h? ?i?u h�nh m?i. T?t nhi�n, h? hi?u r� nguy c? b?o m?t nh?ng ph?t l?.

Tr? l?i v?i WannaCry, m� ??c n�y ch? y?u nh?m t?i h? ?i?u h�nh th? h? c?, trong ?� c� Windows XP. Microsoft c?ng x�c nh?n, m� ??c kh�ng nh?m m?c ti�u ??i v?i Windows 10. Shadow Brokers - nh�m ???c cho l� ph�t t�n m� ??c n�y - ?� ph�t tri?n WannaCry t? m?t c�ng c? c?a NSA cho vi?c ph�t hi?n l? h?ng c�c phi�n b?n h? ?i?u h�nh c?. Nh�m n�y ?� ?�nh c?p m?t l??ng l?n c�ng c? c?a NSA t? gi?a n?m ngo�i, do ?�, ch?a ch?c ?�y l� m� ??c duy nh?t.

J�r�me Segura, chuy�n gia ph�n t�ch v� d? b�o nguy c? c?a ph?n m?m ??c h?i t?i Malwarebytes, cho r?ng ng??i d�ng ?� t? c?m gi�c m�nh an to�n tr�n c�c n?n t?ng c?, nh?ng ?i?u n�y c?c k? nguy hi?m. "Ch? c?n duy?t web tr�n Internet Explorer trong v�i ph�t, ng??i d�ng ?� ??ng tr??c nguy c? b? m� ??c x�m nh?p do tr�nh duy?t ?� l?i th?i, kh�ng ???c b?o v?", Segura c?nh b�o.

Cu?i c�ng, Segura cho r?ng ng??i d�ng n�n n�ng c?p h? ?i?u h�nh, ph?n c?ng (ho?c c? hai), ??ng th?i th??ng xuy�n c?p nh?t l�n phi�n b?n m?i nh?t. ?�y l� m?t trong nh?ng c�ch h?u hi?u ?? b?o v? d? li?u c?a m�nh tr??c nguy c? t?n c�ng m?ng ?ang hi?n h?u, kh�ng ch? ?? ??i ph� v?i WannaCry. N?u kh�ng, h�y chu?n b? ?�n nh?n nh?ng th? t?i t? nh?t ?ang ??n.

B?o L�m (theo Wired)

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Why Im Getting PS4 Over Xbox One

Why Im Getting PS4 Over Xbox One

This little commercial from Sony sums it up for me:

It gives a pretty good idea about the vanilla game mode, although the very popular (some say too popular) "Minstagib" (one shot kills) and the total conversion mod Overkill (All new player-models and weapons, with team-spawn etc.) are also shortly shown.
Not shown are the popular vehicle mod and the recently added lightning gun (still WIP), but you can try everything yourself easily by getting the auto-downloader of the latest development build here.

As with most FOSS games, they are looking for more developers (& players) and if you have some cash to spare you can currently also pledge for the creation of some NPC characters for a single-player or COOP-mode here.

Speaking of FOSS crowd-funding, another great FOSS arena shooter, Red Eclipse this currently preparing a campaign for porting their somewhat aging Cube2 engine to the much nicer Tesseract (which is technically something like Cube3).
Oh and a new version (1.5) but still with the old engine should be out very soon ;)

Happy fragging!

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Work Drivers ASUS X454LJ Windows 10 64bit Drivers Free Driver Download

Work Drivers ASUS X454LJ Windows 10 64bit Drivers Free Driver Download

MT. PLEASANT, Mich.,��The weather hasnt been terrible this winter in terms of snow and bitter cold temperatures, but theres something keeping us all down this season. Its the flu. The cold and flu usually run their course sometime during the winter, but this time its taken quite a toll on everyone. Whether you got the flu shot or not, you should consider making some lifestyle changes to employ through the rest of the season to keep you safe. Here are 5 ways to stay healthy during flu season!

6 Ways to Stay Healthy During Flu Season

1. Eat Right

Valentines Day is now over, so you can consider the candy binging out of season. Its fine to indulge every once and a while, but its more beneficial to eat foods that will benefit your immune system! That doesnt mean you have to have a salad for every meal, there are plenty ways to eat right. Try to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables alongside nutritious proteins like poultry, legumes, etc. Dont be afraid to work up some soup recipes if youre feeling down. Broth and veggies together can help comfort a sore throat or aching stomach and are healthy, too!

2. Drink More Water

If you had a dollar for every time someone recommended you drink more water, youd probably be rich. Although simple, this health rule is king for good reason. Water not only keeps you hydrated should you already be sick and need to replace fluids in your body, but it also helps you flush some of the bad stuff out if youre harboring any flu germs. Water overall helps your body function optimally, so having a few extra glasses per day can only help! The recommendation is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water.

3. Exercise 

Thats right. Exercise is another factor that can help boost your immune system. It can be a simple walk outside or an extra sweaty cardio session at the gym. Whatever method you choose, make sure youre getting your heart rate up and are breathing heavier than normal. Cardiovascular exercise can help excavate bacteria out of you lungs and airways. Plus, the feel-good endorphins you get when working out can make you feel happy during the gray winter days. If you do go to the gym, just make sure to wipe down your machines before using to avoid picking something up.

4. Stay Home & Get More Sleep

There are two types of people in the world. One who thinks this tip is a death sentence, and one who sees this tip as a blessing. Even if youre the one whos overwhelmed at work and think staying home will stop your progress, dont come in! If you feel like youre getting sick, or are already sick, take caution. Theres no sense in you exhausting your energy or spreading your illness onto others. Take time to veg out on your couch with some water, vitamins, and honest rest. If you really cant do that, make sure youre heading to bed earlier. Even an extra half hour of sleep can help your body feel better and fight off any flu germs!

5. Wash Your Hands & Watch What Youre Touching

We learned to wash our hands before meals, after the bathroom, and after touching animals when we were little, but some of us dont follow the rules or simply forget. Now is the time to bring yourself back to your kindergarten roots! Make sure to wash your hands through the entire birthday song or alphabet song with soap and warm water to rid of germs. Its also good to be aware of what youre touching throughout the day. If youre touching "high-traffic" items, avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes as these areas are like gateways to your immune system.

We hope these 5 ways to stay healthy during flu season keep you out of the doctors office until we reach spring! There are so many ways to care for our bodies, but we dont want you to forget about your car because it needs TLC, too. With winter winding down slowly and spring coming up to bat you might be confused as to how to care for your car. Take a look through our routine maintenance pages for tips on how to take care of your car year round, and stay tuned to our seasonal maintenance section where youll see seasonal specific car care tips. And dont forget to schedule online for a service appointment at one of our Mt. Pleasant dealerships!

At Hank Graff Mt. Pleasant we strive to provide our customers with a car buying experience that is accommodating, stress-free and fun! Visit us at our Chevrolet dealership located at 4580 E Pickard Rd in Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48858 or our Buick GMC Cadillac dealership located at 116 N. Mission St in Mount Pleasant, MI 48858

Websites: Chevrolet: and Buick GMC Cadillac:

Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube

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Widget Animasi ISLAMI

Widget Animasi ISLAMI

[DKMB] widget animasi islami untuk dipasang di WORdpRess dan BlOgspOt

bROwsing dan blOgwalking benaR2 menambah pengetahuan dan Rasa ingin tahu saya untuk lebih banyak lagi belajaR dan beramal..
ada satu hal yang menaRik perhatian saya, yaitu web penyedia widget islami ini.. hasil karya nya membuat saya ingin bisa membuat hal yang sama, dengan hasil versi saya sendiri tentunya.. ;-)
setelah saya cOba telusuRi..
alhamdulillah.. teRnyata bisa..
akhiRnya saya bisa menampilkan file2 animasi flash saya, baik itu di wORdpRess maupun di blOgspOt (ternyata bisa juga di pasang di Cybermq, Blogdetik)..
ini cOntOhnya..

langsung deh saya bikin blOg baRu yang khusus menyediakan widget2 islami buatan saya sendiRi..
silahkan mampiR di sini:
untuk tahap awal baRu tiga widget animasi, yaitu widget Back to Al-Qur�an and Sunnah,
widget Marhaban Ramadhan dan widget Pesta BlOggeR 2009.
yah.. buat teman2 baik yang memiliki blOg di wORdpRess maupun blOgspOt, jika ingin menampilkan widget islami, bisa melihat di blOg saya yang itu dan cOpy paste cOde yang disediakan.
semOga beRguna..
hmmm� mau bikin widget apalagi yah???

widget and Application of AVATARfor AkhwatQiyamul Lail..Hidup Indonesia ku..Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..Astaghfirullah..Allah..Allah..Allah..Pink SalamWorld ClockAmazing Blue..RamadhanSound..Selamat Datang Ramadhan..Doa Shalawat Nabi (with sound)Indonesia Merdeka (with sound)JamBiru IslamiPesta Blogger 2009 CountdownZawaWelcomeJam WordPressIndonesia UniteIndonesia UniteSelamat Datang CowokSelamat Datang Cewek
dan masih banyak lagi widget animasi yang baru yang sudah saya upload..
silahkan mampir ke TeKaPe langsung..

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